Subscription Box – New Distress Pencils

My monthly kit from You Create dot co dot za arrived and this month it contained a few of the new Distress Pencils. WOOHOO! I have been dying to try these out, but you can only buy them in sets and each set is rather expensive. 🙂

Here is my kit in all its glory:


In this month’s kit we received a package of those lovely watercolour brushes that you can refill with water, several pieces of extra thick watercolour paper, a colouring-in page, some little embellishments to colour in, and 4 gorgeous pencils. I love my colours – they are Picket Fence (white), tattered Rose (pink) Mustard Seed (yellow), and Peeled Paint (green).

Unlike other colour pencils with pigment in a sort of tube inside the wood, these pencils are solid pigment with a paper wrapper over them. They draw beautifully and lay down the pigment with no effort at all. I have only drawn a little with mine, so I will have to post my results later.

I love my pencils, and cannot wait for my n ext box to come.

Happy crafting everyone, and keep smiling. 🙂

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