I will try, wherever possible, to give credit to original posters (including a link), or perhaps the name of the person (and or the project in question) who inspired me, but if you feel I have left off your name, please contact me and I will rectify the situation immediately.
Please do not use or copy any of my work without acknowledgment and permission, although of course, sharing does happen, even if it is unconscious.
I try wherever possible to use all my own photos and videos but do also make use of free images and photos from .
Unless otherwise specified, all these projects are my own work, using my own products, and I have not been sponsored or paid for any work.
Everything you see on this website was created by me (unless otherwise stated). Please do not use any photos or content without asking for my permission first. You may not use my original ideas as your own, nor may you use them for profit.
Free products and Sponsored content
My blog features products I’ve bought myself. All opinions are my own, and any comparisons are based on my personal experience. I should also say that my opinions may change from time to time, based upon my skill level, or ability to use the products properly.
I do not post sponsored content and am not financially compensated to blog about a product, a course or tutorial, or a new release. If I ever accept sponsored content on my blog it will be clearly marked in the first line of the post.
What fun Janis. Look forward to hearing about and seeing all your arty crafts. X
Thank you Carole 😀