Today, we went to the optometrist. Colin was overdue by about 3 years, and I was overdue since 2013. We both need new glasses, and it is official: I am old. My arms are now too short to be able to read a book or even see my phone properly without glasses, and our new specs will be ready in about 10 days. I can’t wait.
Also, Colin has been feeling so much better again, in leaps and bounds. It is 12 days until the official 2-year mark since Colin’s accident, and I have been looking back at how much progress he has made. There have been so many wins.
Control freak that I am, and find it difficult to let go of things. This is never
I know he is able to do anything except use his limbs in any significant way, but I was afraid there would be steep areas where he may tip, or a car who would bump him again. Or… I was completely beside myself and drove to the place across the road in great fear and trepidation. He laughed at me, and said I worry too much. I know this is true, but it was exceptionally difficult for me to learn this level of letting go.
He is a bog boy, at 49 years old, but I really struggled. Perhaps part of my exhaustion and fatigue is self-induced because I worry SO much about every single aspect. I have to learn to let go.
Life is a journey, and if you are lucky, you learn something every day. Today I learned that I still have lots to learn. And today I am grateful for wheelchair ramps, maintained roads, Colin’s recovery, and my support structure. <3