Lost of business again today. My Dad went off to a lovely family gathering down in Ramsgate, and I dropped him off at the airport this morning.
When I got to Colin, there was discussion about the urgency of making the structural changes to the house, and appointing a carer (or even 2) as soon as possible to start the process going, as well as the need to follow up with a few other admin-y things, but there was also another HUGE win today.
Yesterday Colin’s OT – Elzette – asked me to bring his tablet and a stylus to see if they could have any success at getting him back on-line. I would have to say that both Colin and I would have really placed this above more or less any of the other tasks, but it all comes in its time. We managed to set up the tablet sort of hanging off the table so he could reach the touch screen with his stylus. I have to get another cover as the one he has no longer functions as it should, but he was able to message his work colleagues and do some fiddling with the tablet. I left his phone at home so he wasn’t able to get online for very long (Vast has a little free time, but thereafter we would have had to use his phone’s data to make a hotspot).
Here is a video of him doing his thing. I am so proud of the strides he is making, and for every little win or improvement there are hours of his sweat, blood, and tears behind it. He works at his physio like a beast, and this is his reward.
Colin has decided that perhaps the suprapubic catheter is the way to go, but we have time to decide.
On a side note – I don’t know why some pictures just don’t show – like yesterday’s ones. I still need to understand what went wrong. Apologies.
Wonderful news re: tablet.
Brilliant news about the tablet ! I am so pleased for him …
Love and hugs xxx