Colin has not been 100% well, and his blood pressure has been very low. This morning, he felt so ill he had blurred vision.
But there is a spot of good news. He will come tomorrow morning with the social worker and the occupational therapist to see the house to advise us on how we need to change it so it will be accessible for him. There is already a snag – his chair, because it is an electric one, is wider than most of our doors that actually lead into the house. They will probably bring him in a manual chair, or else he will be happy to stay in the driveway, but he is so keen to come home. He wants to see his doggies and kitties, and just see home again.
I hope he feels well enough to come, but I suspect that he will only not come if he is feeling really poorly.
Tomorrow is a wonderful milestone for us all, and I hope it will be just the best day. I haven’t done anything like welcome home banners, or special food, but I am certain it will be a really good day.
Tomorrow will be the photos.
Today I am grateful for the amount of work Colin is putting in to his recovery – he is amazing.
And you are amazing too ….. It will be a wonderful day for you both
Love and hugs xxx
Thank you so much. You are wonderful, always sending us messages. <3