After we left Colin last night, he took a little turn for the worse, and although he had a high temperature, he felt so cold that he was shivering, and even his teeth were chattering.
Apparently it is a neuropathic pain reflex. He didn’t like that the nurses kept taking his blankets off so they could cool him down because he felt like he was freezing even though he was not. 🙁
I hope he feels warm enough and cool enough tonight. His temp was only 34.0 around 7pm. I am worried about him, but I am sure it is going to be ok. He does have the blankie my Mom made years ago to keep him warm, so I hope this will help him feel “just right”.
Today I am grateful for warm jackets, home-made blankies, and droe wors.
It’s so hard that you are fighting battles on so many fronts. Let’s hope that the medicine will start to take effect soon.
He will have your love to keep him warm
Love and hugs xxx
He will have your love to keep him warm
Love and hugs xxx