This morning I woke up later than I meant to. Last night I sat in the bath and sobbed and sobbed. I was so scared and all I could think was that this was not going to have a happy ending. I went to sleep with a sleeping pill, and of course, I didn’t hear my alarm and missed the early visiting time. It was only a half hour, so I usually skip this one at the ICU, but knew Colin would want to see friendly faces, and so wanted to go. When I arrived at 3pm today he was infinitely better.
He has recovered sufficiently that they say they may not need to do the surgery anymore, and he is breathing ok and his vital signs are normal again.
He is still not eating much, and doesn’t want to drink anything other than just a few sips of water – this is how I know he is not well yet. Normally he loves to have a few little treats like some pieces of fresh fruit, a small amount of biltong, and then maybe some sugar-free drink. He is not feeling well enough to eat much. He ate mash and gravy for lunch, and then tonight I fed him one small piece of lasagna, and a small amount of beetroot salad.
He is back on the fenestrated trachy, so is struggling to talk again. He can talk, but it requires lots of effort and makes his mouth dry. He is also back on the oxygen – he is already making plans on weaning off again – at least he is still looking forward. 🙂
They mentioned that he may have to stay a week, but we don’t know how long he will be there.
Today I am grateful for infections that are not drug-resistant, and for antibiotics.
So happy to hear he has turned around and is coming back. My heart went out to you last night.
Love and hugs xxx
Oh Jan. My heart aches for you. So Much to deal with. I’m glad progress is being made. I wish those rehab docs had treated him earlier. Anyway, sending love and a sewing kit to mend your broken heart
Thanks Tal – so sweet of you. I think I need it. <3