Unfortunately, Colin has had a bladder infection, a raised temperature, and fevers for 4 days now, and the rehab centre has waited until the results were back from his urine test before giving him anything for it. He has felt progressively worse, and I didn’t go see him yesterday because I just needed a day to do admin, complete and return forms, call various people, etc.
Now I feel terrible that I was not able to help him my jumping up and down more to get him some help before this. It is such a frustrating tight-rope walk because he doesn’t really want to bother them, but he is not actually well, and this is compounded by the system responses of a quadriplegic not being the same as “normal” bodies. I have learned about quadriplegic issues in an online course, and it is very helpful for me to understand the issues, technical details, and assistive things we can do to help. I don’t know if he will go in an ambulance on a gurney or if he will be able to go in his chair, but I suspect it will be a gurney. Another blow for him as he was just getting used to sitting and being a little independent.
I am beside myself, and just don’t know how to sort of even begin to understand what has happened. Just when we thought we were starting to make steps forwards, we have a small step backwards. Never mind, it is what it is, and we have to just go with what we have.
Never before have I really wished I could go back in time and change the outcome of something.
My dearest Colin is in distress, and now in double distress. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.
Today I am grateful for the ICU, even if I don’t want him to go back there. 🙁
So sorry this has happened ….. I suppose sometimes you have to step back one step ……. Take a breath and then continue upwards ….. He is in good hands ….
Love and hugs xxx