Another good day today. But a very long day.
It took me all day to go across town to take care of some admin near the original hospital, as well as at the original hospital. It was raining all day which also means that everyone had taken an extra dose of stupid pills and the highways were just blocked and very slow.
When I finally arrived at the rehab, Colin was still in the gym. He was in good spirits, but tired. He is still having a few issues with his shoulder, but he is working every day and improving every day. Today he showed me that he is able to very slightly move his entire right foot at the ankle, as well as the big toe. It is simply amazing how hard he is working, and what wins he is having every day. I know we have to be careful not to have too high expectations, but it is all good signs, and every little win is another feather in his cap. It is quite humbling to watch the patients there on a daily basis. Some are less injured, and some are more, some are further along their recovery journey, and others have just begun. Each on of them is fighting their own battle, and facing it essentially alone – despite their support structures, and they are all amazingly positive. Every day I am filled with admiration for them, and of course, for my Colin. I don’t know how he is walking this path and staying to positive. I am a truly lucky woman to be on the path with him.
On another note, I shaved Colin again today – I am getting the hang of it. The trick is to use the barber’s trick of a hot cloth on the face before trying to shave. He is looking particularly good today. <3
Tomorrow we are going to watch movies all day together and it is going to be a great time. I am so looking forward to it. We may even be able to go outside for a few minutes if he is able to bear being in the chair for long enough.
Here is my handsome hubby after his shave.
For some reason, my pics are not embedding. If the image above is not showing, here is the link:
Colin 13 April 2017
I still didn’t do the neck bit under his chin by the trachy because I am still too scared to go too close. When the collar is off it will be easier. His cone of shame. HA HA HA
” To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time … But we must keep on stepping ”
Chinese Proverb
Love and hugs xxx