Today was another good day.
Colin was feeling a little quiet today, but not sad. He worked hard in the gym in the morning, and then just after lunch he went back. HA HA! he has never been to gym three times a day before.
My Grumpy who was next to him and kept disturbing all the patients has been moved into a different ward, and now everyone can get some sleep.
He has been feeling some possible movement in his fingers and perhaps a little in his feet, and today he showed me that he can now move his right big toe a little. Such wonderful news. The physios did say to me that although this is a very good sign, we must moderate our expectations. It does mean that there are impulses traveling all the way to his feet, but it doesn’t mean that he will fully recovered tomorrow.
Here is a video link of him moving his toe:
Also, his demo wheelchair arrived. It has a sort of label on it that says his name on the one side, and the model on the other. It is rather funny, because it looks like it is a 22 inch Satan Bariatric. We had a really good laugh at that. I think it is actually meant to be a Saturn. He will test it out and see if it the right one for him, and then they will see what is required to make it friendly for him so he will be able to drive it himself.
He is also much more able to use his arm to feed himself (not fully) and he is really making great strides in getting his strength. Keep going my bestest. We are all behind you. XxX
The Satan Bariatric sounds like the right one ! Ha ha ….. I’m glad you had a laugh together!
Love and Hugs xxx