Today was another really good day.
Colin is speaking more and more easily, and his oxygen is down to 1, he is eating all he meals, his shoulder is still sore but is feeling much better, and today he told me that he feels as if his fingers are starting to move a very tiny bit. He tried to show me by squeezing my hands and I could feel a very little bit possibly starting to come back.
I am beyond happy about this news. The whole time, even from day 0 in the casualty he said that he didn’t care about his legs, but he wanted his hands and fingers back. I believe that he will do whatever it takes if it is possible to get that right. He is stubborn enough that he will do it if it is even remotely possible. He has also beaten the system by speaking sooner than they said he would be able to. The blue inflatable cuff around the fenestrated trachy is still mostly inflated, but it seems to be going down a little which is why he can talk. They said he would only be able to start the process next week, and that the process could take 2 months. I know it depends from person to person, but there again – he is just stubborn enough to just decide that he wants to talk NOW.
He is also supposed to eat at least two meals a day with the universal strap and the hand splints. I still have to assist him by holding up his elbow and lifting his wrist high enough to reach his mouth over the cone of shame, but his strength is improving, and he is really able to do more and more of stabbing his food and pulling it into his mouth. I could not be prouder of how hard he is working.
One of the special things from today is that he tole me some lovely things about how much he loves me, how he is do glad I am here for him, how he would not have been able to do this without me, and so on.
Sometimes, just after the tablet rounds, he gets tired and so has a little nap. Today, we were both tired, and so we both had a nap together. I was on a chair at his bedside, and we held hands and I leaned my head on a pillow at his side. It was really wonderful to just spend such a lovely time holding hands and sleeping – even though we were both asleep. It felt so good to have him next to me again. I miss him. Lots.
Roll on more good days… <3
There will be lots more good days ahead. Every day a new miracle
Love and Hugs xxx
Such positive news. Here’s to baby steps