Another long day for Colin as he was transferred from the hospital via ambulance to the Rehab Center, and for me with more admin and forms and calls, etc.
He seems in fine spirits today, and I stayed from around 3 until just before 8pm. He wants a shave tomorrow, and will want his hair cut soon as well. He has sensation pretty much everywhere, and the Doc says he has some sense of position of whether she was pulling his toes up or down, and that is a really good sign. He seems to have gone a bit backwards with respect to his right arm – he can’t move it at all anymore. He did say that the Doc told him that sometimes you have to backwards before you can go forwards, so we will see how it goes. He is gaining strength in his left arm. Still no other new movement, but it is early days.
This is the next phase, and I am excited to see how it all unfolds. I am sure it will be a long and hard slog, but I know we can make it together.
Today was our 7th wedding anniversary, and so today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby. He may not be able to fing his fingers, or hand his hands, or even leg his legs, but he still brains just the same as ever. I am so thankful he is still with me and us, and I hope for another 7 X 7 X 7 years together.
This is a pic of them fiddling with his trachy with the collar unhooked. They say it may be 6 weeks from the op when the collar may come off. Counting the days.