Tomorrow Colin will be home. He has spent a long time away from home, and although he has needed to, it is time for him to come be with us all again.
There is so much more he could do at the physio and OT gym, but I am sure he can also gain more strides as an out-patient.
Today during his session, he was picking up blocks with his right arm and moving them. Here is a video showing how although he can’t life his arm (it is in a sling to hold it up), he has some very slight movement of his right thumb and fingers.
Later, a few of the guys played Ludo, and it was really a lot of fun with them all sending each other back to the start.
The building is very far from done, but it is not unsafe from a medical point of view for him to come home, and I am looking forward to things being a little more normal from now on.
I learned how to change his suprapubic catheter tonight, and I am confident that with our assistant – Jabu – we will be able to do this with no problems. Here’s to many many days of no infections, no illness, no feeling bad, and nothing else wrong.
Today I am grateful for the nurses – particularly Sister Rachel who has shown me so much. Thank you.
The big day has come ! Will be thinking of you ❤️
Love and hugs xxx