Lots of news in the past few days.
The weekend visit was another success, although the weekends seem to be getting shorter, and the builders have begun the work to alter the house for Colin’s chair access.
Colin is able to hold a stylus which we already knew,but he is now able to make a mark with his pen – not quite well enough to write his name, but he can put a mark down. We went to Rocco Mama’s, and he was able to choose his own food, write his own menu (except his name which I wrote), and eat the food himself too.
We also stopped for a quick bite on Sunday when we went shopping again, and here is Colin playing the fool:
Here is day 1 and 2 of the building progress:
Colin is doing so well, and his progress is slow, but steady. I do remember that they said right up front that progress in this kind of injury is not linear, and is not predictable. This makes it difficult to sort of map out milestones, but he is working really hard int he physio gym, and his left arm is getting stronger. He still has no ability in his wrist or hand or fingers, but his left arm is so much stronger now that he is able to feed himself almost entirely, with the exception of not being able to cut anything. This means that we can pretty much all eat at the same time, and neither his nor my food has to be cold because of the other one.
He is also strengthening in his trunk, and is able to lean forward a bit to suck on a straw on a table. It is awesome to see how far he has come.
Our next challenge is to find various assistive devices for his computer. It will be wonderful for him to be able to play his games again, and to come play cooperative games with me – saving my life on all the missions, and allowing me the best loot again. š
I can see there is a kitty in there helping!!!!
That is Nonsense. Helping all day long. š
So much good stuff happening … You deserve it ! ???
Love and hugs xxx