Colin seems in much better spirits today, but he is also very tired. He asked me to just hold his hand. We have a fairly long and lovely time with me leaning my head on his arm while we held hands. I miss that. More than I would have ever thought possible.
He was drifting in and out of sleep, and he is anxious to know the next steps. Hopefully we will get some answers tomorrow for next steps and possible time-frames.
I love you Colin. Can’t wait to chat to you.
They gave him jelly again today, but he says it is too sweet. He told me he did watch a little TV, but it is still so very difficult for him as he can’t do anything for himself.
I am anxious to learn everything I need to for the next phase, and can’t wait to speak to the Doctors. Patience was never my strongest virtue.
Also, Morgan is driving me mad, and I wish she was more independent.
Hallo Janice
Thank you for your insightful blog on the progress of Colin daily. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it must be for all of you. Hang in there girl. It will get better. I am so positive of that.
You and Colin are still in my prayers. I pray that he will recover from this ordeal.
Small miracle number eleven …… You had some quiet quality time together ……. That was comforting ……so happy for you ….
Love and Hugs xxx